Wednesday 26 October 2016

Hilsha Fish - Bengali Recipe

Hilsha Fish - Bengali Recipe by bharathiya


Hilsha Fish - 3 Lb
Mustard seeds -  3 Tbsp
Green Chili - 9
Turmeric powder - 1.5 Tsp
Red Chili Powder -  3 Tbsp
Salt -  1.5 Tsp  or to taste
Nigella  - 0.5 Tsp


1.Wash the hilsa fish thoroughly in water,remove the head  and  cut into steaks about 3/4 inch thick.

2.Remove the scales and rub a tsp of turmeric powder and 1 tea spoon of salt all over the pieces.

3. Grind  the mustard seeds, 5 green chilies and 1/2 tea spoon of salt i, adding about  1/2 cup of water.

4.Mix red chili powder and turmeric powder with 3 table-spoon of water.

5. Heat oil in a non-stick thick bottom pan and fry  kalonji and 4 green chilies for about half a minute before adding the red chili - turmeric powder mixture

6.Fry  the above stirring for about 4 to 5 minutes.

7.Add the hilsa fish pieces one by one. Turning  each piece.

8.Add the mustard paste diluted with water ( strain through a strainer so that only the juice is used ) and two green chili sliced and bring to boil adding 1/2 cup of water.

9. Reduce heat, simmer for about ten minutes till gravy thickens and continue frying carefully turning the pieced till gravy becomes little dry.

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